Women Evolving Retreats: Ignite The Fire Within
This retreat is the first in a series of 5, as we explore the 5 Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether.
We begin our journey, exploring the FIRE element.
This supportive retreat invites you to expand your curiosity and delve further into knowing yourself better.
IGNITE: is all about continuity. In a world that teaches you to be fast and settle for "quick results" where the expectation is "burn out", we are going in the opposite direction.
It will be slow, immersive, intentional and a very different journey, that provides you the opportunity and tools to know yourself on a deeper level, to keep your creative fires and your passion for life, burning.
Who is this retreat for?
* Business women
* Busy mums
* Carers
* Women seeking confidence in themselves
* Women seeking balance in their lives
* Women who struggle with their "monkey minds" and who cannot find the time to relax
* Women who want to know themselves on a deeper level
* Women seeking clarity in life or business
For those who attend, this retreat is an invitation to:
CONNECT with women on a similar pathway and weave new friendships as well as developing a deeper connection with self.
NURTURE your body with self-love rituals and learn how to incorporate them in your daily life, with balance and calmness.
SHIFT from "thinking" your way, to "feeling" your way.
SHARE your stories and begin to use and recognise your voice.
EXPLORE new modalities, through guided meditation, ceremony, heart-full discussions and workshops, that bring you back into remembering how to honour yourself first.
EXPAND your dreams and invite your curiosity to places you have never explored.
Meet your Women Evolving Facilitators:
Natasha Mansell (Tash) is a proud Palawa Women and Empowerment Coach. Tash is also a Reiki Master, Trauma Coach, Polarity Therapist, Women Circle Facilitator, and Soulpreneur.
Michelle Evan (Mixch) is an international indigenous mentor, ceremonial facilitator and wellness guide with 15 + years experience. Her medicine stems from the roots from her unbroken matriarchal lineage of grandmothers.
Both Tash and Mixch have years of experience working with women from all walks of life, and are both passionate about empowering women to recognise the tools that they possess, and teaching them to know themselves, through storytelling and using their voice in a strong and commanding way.
In this Retreat, you will experience:
* Guided rainforest walks
* Daily meditation at sunrise and sunset
* Daily Gratitude practice
* Cacao ceremony
* Dancing
* Celebration
* Intention setting
* Fire ceremony
* Outdoor fire sharing circles
* Handmade and lovingly prepared vegetarian meals
* Wood fired sauna
* Outdoor kitchen
* Comfort and warmth of Dojo accommodation
Tenchi Farm is on the edge of the wild, nestled in the mountains, and surrounded by forest. This spectacular property offers you the opportunity to switch off from the outside world and returns you to "you time".
Investment for this incredibly powerful weekend is: $999
Payment options are available:
* one off payment of $999 or make a deposit and set up regular payments.
Waiting patiently by the fire, as we invite you to take your place alongside us. This is just the beginning of this beautiful supportive journey, Come IGNITE THE FIRE WITHIN YOU.
Much love and gratitude,
Tash and Mixch
Women Evolving